We are a Microsoft Academic Education Partner (AEP) selling Microsoft Academic licences to accredited academic institutions that qualify as Qualified Educational Users, and a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) managing the entire Microsoft cloud customer lifecycle, including digital transformation.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
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FINNING digitally transforms its operations with IoT apps on Azure cloud
SitePro Part 1
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
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Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17% in 2020
Finishing first with Renault Sports Formula One and Dynamics 365
Learn how to modernize your apps and data on Azure
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Breakthrough teamwork tools: 4 tips to identify what works for you
View: Breakthrough teamwork tools: 4 tips to identify what works for you
Why Migrate with Azure?
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Making choices with data and AI
Empowering remote work with Microsoft Teams
7 ways AI can help improve decision making for marketers
View: 7 ways AI can help improve decision making for marketers
5 Ways to Be More Efficient While Working From Home
Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: seamless scaling and automatic updating
Tuesday, June 09, 2020
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Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together
Airport security officer-turned-developer helps Heathrow book a faster journey to digital transformation
Run effective meetings with Microsoft Teams
Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
View: Discover the benefits of modernization and save with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Get started with Microsoft Teams quick start
Unblocking Teamwork: four tools and strategies to improve collaboration
View: Unblocking Teamwork: four tools and strategies to improve collaboration
Tuesday, June 02, 2020
Digital transformation isn't what you think it is--so what is it?
Introducing Microsoft Teams: empowering remote work
Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: improving on-site safety
Prioritize culture during digital transformation
9 ways to make working from home more joyful - The Aesthetics of Joy
Cloud computing will be a gold mine in the post-COVID era
Companies needed to embrace change as the COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges and continues to have a multi-sector impact on nations, b...
Companies needed to embrace change as the COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges and continues to have a multi-sector impact on nations, b...
Today's complicated virtual business reality makes it difficult to secure fragmented IT or cloud point solutions. As we've seen, nat...
Nunavut, located in the northernmost region of Canada, has a large population under the age of 25, distributed across remote communities wit...
Source: http://www.nation.co.ke/magazines/smartcompany/-/1226/594008/-/soc057z/-/index.html The global financial crisis is set to change t...
Source: http://www.elearning-africa.com/newsportal/english/news213.php In many hospitals throughout the world, it is still standard practi...