Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Microsoft Education: Every Student Has a Voice

Children across the globe share a love of learning and a love of doing. From art to science and beyond, with the right tools in hand, there's no telling what they will accomplish.

Customer story: SilviaTerra maps the future of forests with Microsoft AI

Through Microsoft's AI for Good initiative, SilviaTerra has created the first high-resolution inventory of all US forests. What's next on their list? Democratizing that information to help all communities sustainably manage their precious natural resources. Check out their story in this video. At Tabarin Consulting, we look forward to hearing more stories like this one as AI continues to open new doors for beneficial innovation. What doors might AI open for your business?

Cloud computing will be a gold mine in the post-COVID era

Companies needed to embrace change as the COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges and continues to have a multi-sector impact on nations, b...